30 June 2019

Flight Details

Wednesday 3 July 2019  Canberra to Krakow

Flight:            BA7490
DEP CBR:                 11:15AM        ARR SYD:      12:10PM

Flight:            BA0016
DEP SYD:                 02:50PM        ARR SIN:       09:05PM

DEP SIN:                  10:35PM

Thursday 4 July 2019                     ARR LHR:     05:05AM

Flight:             BA0872
DEP LHR:                 04:50PM        ARR KRK:     08:20PM

28 June 2019

Tour Info

I'm flying with British Airways this year and am heading out on the 3rd July to Krakow, via Sydney, Singapore & Heathrow.

This year I'm doing 2 tours with Insight Vacations.
The first tour is their 'Highlights of Poland', starting in Krakow on 5th July 

and the 2nd tour 'Russia, Warsaw and the Baltic States', starts in Warsaw on the 14th July

The Poland tour finishes on July 14 at the same hotel that the Baltic & Russia tour starts from, so I don’t have to change hotels.  The second tour is a combination of 2 Insight tours. “Warsaw and the Baltic States” and “Easy Pace Russia”, so that will be interesting, as I’ve never done a tour that is a “combo” tour before. 

I visited Poland with Insight back in 2014 and this years itinerary visits many of the same places. I suffered badly from plantar fasciitis on the 2014 tour and didn't get to visit many of the sites because of the pain experienced when walking, hence the re-visit.

As for Russia and the Baltic States, I have never visited these countries before. The only cities in Russia that the tour stays at, are St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Day 26 - Tour day 15 – Sunday 28 July 2019 - From Moscow to Canberra

Sunrise:         4:26am (I added the actual flight times after I wrote my notes.) I don’t know what time I woke up this morning the f...